Beast Games - Play Beast Online Games

About Beast Games
There is good and bad in all!! Though, the good that thrives on the surface, it is the hidden evil inside that wants to come out!! And, if the beast inside of you is trying to come out, then let it out on the virtual world of free online games!! Welcome to our world of online Beast games!! Here, play games and get to be the monster people are afraid of in the build beast games!!
And, if you want to be the hunter of these beats, then play free games and find them in the Beast hunter games!! Play new games, and bring out the evil side of the beast by destroying the villages, creating mayhem and scaring people off in these juicy beast games!! Also, play along in the old fairy tale of beauty and beast games, and dress both of them to dimes in the Beast dress up games!!
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About Beast Games
Want to be on the evil side for a change??
Come and be the Beast!! Be the monster that everyone is scared of and enjoy the power of the dark side!! Let go of your inner beast by eating as many hamburgers as possible! Go for an adventure through old Amiga days of shadows of the beast! Walk through towns and simply bash on everything that comes along your way!! Create havoc amongst the people by playing the free games here!!
Play these fun online games and let your inner beast be free!